
Python while loop count user input

Python while loop count user input. We have checked the input value using the re. I've been trying a whole ton of things but nothing seems to be working for me. Overall Challenges. We should take proper care in writing while loop condition if the condition never returns False, the while loop will go into the infinite loop. Remi Guan. print the value of long_num; Here's my code: May 10, 2019 · A while loop has a condition, and the loop will continue to execute so long as the condition is true. I want to program to let the user guess a number then display if its too high or low etc then st Aug 26, 2020 · Write a while loop that takes a string and counts the vowels. How can I make the program control how many numbers are inserted Write a Python Program to Find Prime Number using For Loop, While Loop, and Functions. while some_condition: //Do some stuff //Change your condition if necessary While the condition some_condition evaluates to True, the code inside the scope of your loop will continue to execute. (using while loop). i = raw_input("Enter a number: ") while i. x = input() x = int(x. Mar 22, 2019 · I have a python script where we get the input from the USER (in the command window, no need for GUI window at this point). Nov 21, 2021 · When they press enter, the input is stored in x as string. I was wondering how I could make a while True: loop like in the example below, but using a number that the user inputted instead of a word (for example any number equal to or lower then 100 would print something different. I want to stop the loop (terminate the program) by having the user type in (999). Example-5: When to use break in a python while loop. Feb 11, 2010 · The Errors and Exceptions section of the Python tutorial would be a good place to start with basic exception handling in Python. For example, the following while loop counts from 1 to 5: current_number = 1 while current_number <= 5: print(current_number) current_number += 1 1 2 3 4 5 Exercises. The while loop checks a condition and executes the task as long as that condition is satisfied. When you have a condition with comparison operators: while count < limit and stop != False:. print(num,'x',i,'=',num*i) Creating a multiplication table using while loop is shown below: a=a+1. The third (and last) is when count is 1. Then the code converts it into an int. Again, ask the user, "what is your favorite programming language". Oct 22, 2021 · python checking user input for number in a while loop. Nov 12, 2014 · You have two logical errors there: First, you're never re-prompting for the number once you enter the while loop. validating using a validator function that can be passed to get_input. May 17, 2016 · after doing this, the code does run, but now when instead of printing x amount of unique tickets numbers and the power ball number, it just prints the same ticket numbers and power ball number x amount of times. How to make a while loop continue when the input is the same number as the while loops number. Use a while loop to iterate until num gets zero. You can also use a switch-case statement and have a case n and case None that fall into the same function call along with a default clause than handles the same logic if you wish. Oct 10, 2019 · What I'm trying to do is ask the user for an input x. Example-4: When to use continue in a python while loop. Now let's see an example of a while loop in a program that takes user input. Aug 11, 2022 · Add a comment. Without a end condition, the while loop will be an infinite loop because it doesn't know when to stop. It has to use a while loop and print the number of vowels (8). Share Improve this answer Aug 2, 2015 · Hi, thanks for your advice. You can use a while loop to count up through a series of numbers. Oct 9, 2015 · I've tried a couple of things with the while loop and can't seem to get it to work. Oct 12, 2015 · Right now you're checking if smallest is smaller than input (and vice versa for largest ). The while loop is used when we don’t know the number of times the code block has to execute. Should've been like this: if smallest is None or inp < smallest: smallest = inp. If that condition is true, the loop starts executing. Dec 1, 2019 · I am relatively new to programming and especially to Python. Jun 18, 2021 at 6:43. Improve this answer. Refrerences: For Loops Vs. Dec 29, 2019 · d[x] = y. thanks. sleep(0. once the user provides the input, the provided input has to be validated and the if the input is in wrong format, the input needs to be asked again & again till the input is correct. After it stops, I need to have an else statement to show the total number of items, average price, and total price. Taken a number input from the user and stored it in a variable num. this what I have so far: num = -1. Dec 23, 2021 · Simple use if statement with a while loop to calculate the Sum of n numbers in Python. answer = counter + anyNumber. Apr 20, 2015 · Currently your code does not ask for a digit to be entered, it just uses 0 automatically. I am using Python 2, Python IDLE. In this case, setting a counter and decrement the count by 1 every time you ask for an input and exit the loop when the count The syntax of a while loop in Python programming language is −. Like so: How many tickets would you like generated: 3 Your numbers: 1 32 22 34 5 Power ball number: 6 Your numbers: 1 32 22 34 5 Power Jan 8, 2021 · The code leverages the Python while loop, Python’s most general loop statement. Aug 11, 2009 · The select module in Python's standard library may be what you're looking for -- standard input has FD 0, though you may also need to put a terminal in "raw" (as opposed to "cooked") mode, on unix-y systems, to get single keypresses from it as opposed to whole lines complete with line-end. I make a while loop , was expecting the result but insted of counting the digits of the user input no. add int_num to the end of long_num; get user input for int_num again (inside while loop this time) After the loop exits. The while Loop in Action. Try it Yourself ». output = 3 #since there are three 23s in the list. I know how to take input and how to create a for loop. In every iteration, add the num to the sum, and the value of the num is decreased by 1. Dec 5, 2023 · I'm able to get a user input and utilize a single core/process and display the time it takes to count to the number. The while loop will keep running until the user presses a key. You’ll be able to construct basic and complex while loops, interrupt loop execution with break and continue, use the else clause with a while loop, and deal with infinite loops. Mar 6, 2013 · Unlike the average() function from before, we can’t use the len() function to find the length of the sequence; instead, you’ll have to introduce another variable to “count” the values as they are entered. That's because input() is not what you expect: input([prompt]) Equivalent to eval(raw_input(prompt)). How do i print the sum of user-input numbers using while loop? This is what I got so far Jul 1, 2019 · Python while Loop. Jul 27, 2016 · I'd like to remove the lines count = 0 and count += 1 from the following code snippet but still be able to count the number of iterations and test against the boolean elapsed < timeout: print 'Iteration Count: {0}'. It is always good to check if your summation has a closed form. However I have no idea where to start on this. Enter the value for the seat ['q' to quit]: 9. I wanna run two function in the while loop, one is my base function, which will run all the time, the other function is input function, when user input disarm, program will run input function, else program still run base function. Dec 31, 2023 · Python while loop syntax. I believe the issue is with my use of +=. split("stop")[0]. Similarly, we Aug 14, 2020 · pass. Note: remember to increment i, or else the loop will continue forever. So when the user enters the 999, the computer takes it as an A. Dec 27, 2022 · The execution of the block of code require that the user enter specified input: while input == specified_input:. 💡 Tip: If the while loop condition is False before starting the first iteration, the while loop will not even start running. If the user enters ‘q’, the loop is exited using the break statement. Aug 19, 2023 · Here, Python while True creates an infinite loop in Python, which will repeatedly prompt the user for input until they provide a valid number (temperature in Fahrenheit). Here, we have used a while loop to prompt the user repeatedly for giving an integer input. 4. The 0th index should contain the number (assuming the user enters the numbers Sep 13, 2019 · I need to write a short code that the user can input prices from a shopping trip and when the user input 0 the while loop will stop. How can I do this? Kind regards, Lisa Mar 31, 2021 · Input a number: 2 Input a number: 3 Input a number: 1 Input a number: Sorted numbers: [1, 2, 3] Sum of numbers: 6 Avg of numbers: 2. I was just wondering if there is a way to limit the amount of times a user can input something on a while loop. Where in the program should we ask the user for the number? Inside the loop, or outside the loop? Create a temporary variable named squared that squares the number. while b != a: Dec 29, 2021 · So the exercise is to get input from users until they enter a negative number and then calculate the sum of numbers before the negative one. Combine while with a condition that will execute 5 times. The user should enter a negative number to signal the end of the series. Now, let’s define a function named countVowels() which accepts one argument as a string where we need to count Vowels in it. "Enter target number: ". The second is when count is 0. Oct 27, 2013 · except: continue #if the user didn't enter a number, go around again if try_count >= 10: #if we've done this ten times exit try_count = 0 break #exit to the outer loop if valid: #if we've got a proper value, we're done break #exit the loop Oct 11, 2012 · I am using Python to do a question like keep asking user to enter a number or not. kbhit(): if msvcrt. Nov 27, 2014 · 0. Define Count Vowels Function. e. After the input, count will be 1. Why? The first is outside the loop. Dec 7, 2021 · In this example, the loop will continue indefinitely until the user enters ‘q’. Just create a variable to store the amount of incorrect guesses and use an if condition to detect when user guessed wrong 5 times, then stop the loop. Once an x coordinate is established I want to do the exact same thing with y. I managed to gather the five numbers, but the sum is not provided by my code (I get a number, but it is always double the last number). Because input blocks until the user types something, the only way to do this is to use threading. On python 3. If x < -10 or x > 10 I want the function to keep asking for input until the parameters are met. While going through this loop, there are two possible outcomes: If the password is correct, the while loop will exit. Oct 31, 2019 · Hint: '3' > '20' is True. If not,the program should calculate the average of these numbers. To parse the keyword stop, you can do. Every time the loop finishes, the condition is reevaluated. Otherwise, the while loop is terminated as flag becomes False. I am asked to create a for loop which prints 10 numbers given by the user. if msvcrt. I need to assume the numbers are floating. The result: you're switching max and min. After all the positive numbers have been entered, the program should display their sum. Example. Aug 24, 2012 · The code given works fine but not with the original code. Mar 2, 2018 · the program must then calculate the average of the numbers the user has entered (excluding the -1) and print it out. I'm asking the user for an integer value but instead of ending the program if the user enters for example a string, I would Dec 24, 2019 · Hi, in this tutorial, we are going to write a program that counts the number of vowels in the user input string using for loop and while loop in Python. The loop will finish in the next iteration because the condition 2 <= 1 will be False. 8+, with the walrus operator): def get_input(. What is a while loop? ¶. Improve this question. User will continue to input numbers until they hit the enter key a second time. Jun 19, 2021 · yes. If your condition never becomes False, then your Using a while loop, ask the user for a number 3 times. Python while loop is used to repeat a block of code until the specified condition is False. 8k 17 17 gold badges 66 66 silver badges 89 89 bronze Sep 29, 2021 · To avoid that, the first thing to do in your loop will be to save the user input into a variable. strip()) This basically looks for the word "stop" and splits the string from that point. I am new to programming and I am starting off in python. Please let me know what I am doing wrong. Use while True: and then add a separate test to break the loop. myVar = raw_input ("Enter 'y' to roll again or anything else to quit: " Make the condition of the while loop while myVar == 'y': Don't forget to set myVar equal to 'y' before the loop. Thank you!! Typically, the while loop is used when it is impossible to determine the exact number of loop iterations in advance. Use the range() class to loop N times in a for loop. Jun 13, 2014 · I have some code that I want to ask the user for a number between 1-100 and if they put a number between these it will print (Size: (input)) and break the loop, if however, they put in a number outside 1-100 it will print (Size: (input)), and proceed to re-ask them for a number, I have run into some problems though. Code only answers are not considered good answers, and are likely to be downvoted and/or deleted because they are less useful to a community of learners. I would like to understand why the output pf Code 1 is wrong. try: length=float(raw_input("Insert Length of room")) except ValueError: print "That's not a number try May 23, 2020 · I'm finding it difficult to break a while loop when a user inputs an 'N', it only accepts a 'Y'. The variable is never validated and it always enters the while loop and stays there. Share. Also, Read – 100+ Machine Learning Projects Solved and Explained. I'm having an issue where my first while loop repeats infinitely if I guess a number out of range once. Enter the value for the seat ['q' to quit]: 15. ,the output is showing nothing. This is not really what you need here, as highlighted by your comment. @Matt Cremeens , for code 1, if i would enter the following sequence of numbers: 10, 2, 8, 4 the output will be Max is 8, Min is 4, whereas for code 2 the output will be correct Max is 10, Min is 2. If you wish to get out of the loop without returning anything else and keep the main () function running for doing stuff: Mar 18, 2014 · I' m a total noob concerning python and I would like to create a little name-statistic with the program. As long as the condition remains true, the loop keeps executing. counter = 1. Any natural number that is not divisible by any other except 1 and itself is called a Prime. If the input is not correct, the while loop is executed again. Oct 18, 2019 · Instructions: Create a program that asks a user to enter a series of numbers. This allows the user to choose how long they want their list to be, and then chose the integers they want in the list. Jul 21, 2013 · def print_multiplication_table(n): count=0 multiplicador=n while count<multiplicador: count+=1 print n,"x", count, "=", n*count But it doesn´t take into account the multiplication of the numbers before the one that I´m multiplying (the output is 2x1=2, 2x2=4, but doesn´t multipli 1x1, nor 1x2). Dec 10, 2022 · Digit count program in python. of digits a user input in the programm. In this example, i will continue to increase by one repeatedly – there is no condition to stop it from increasing since True will always evaluate to True. 1 1. # ask user to work out A (monthly interest * capital) In Python programming, we use while loops to do a task a certain number of times repeatedly. I would like the code to offer a number 1 through 5 and only accept a number 1 through 5. @Evan - you could simply add the option in the elif as elif input in noChoice or input is None or reorder the logic to accommodate for that. Python firstly checks the condition. Enter a name:Dack. time. while True: a = 0 summ = 0 while a & Feb 19, 2010 · As a practice exercise, I am trying to get five numbers from a user and return the sum of all five number using a while loop. To put that in a while loop, ask for the user input after the function Nov 22, 2021 · This answer was reviewed in the Low Quality Queue. Example-2: How to exit while loop in Python based on user input. After the total is printed, use raw_input to have the user enter the value of a variable. May 8, 2022 · In contrast, the while loop runs as long as, or while, a certain condition is true. Python programmers typically start counting at 0. Once done is entered, print out the largest and smallest of the numbers. # do stuff, e. After that code should count how many names were given and then print list of the names. getting other user input() while True: stuff() if break_main_loop(): # If the user inputs stop, the loop stops via the return statement automatically. Follow edited Oct 29, 2015 at 15:41. If the user enters 0 , the loop terminates and the program displays the total. Otherwise, the program performs some operation with the user input (in this case, squaring the number) and prints Feb 19, 2024 · In Python, for and while loops are used to iterate over a sequence of elements or to execute a block of code repeatedly. Use the string “May the force be with you. Here are some guidelines for How do I write a good answer?. Here, It first asks the user to input a number. As shown below: Ac=L*xm. May 6, 2015 · Ask questions, find answers and collaborate at work with Stack Overflow for Teams. (Answer: 8) Any help with this would be greatly appreciated! I kept coming up with a continuous loop. You need to get a new number inside the loop so that you decide what to do upon the next iteration (append to the list, or stop the loop). If the password is not correct, the while loop will continue to execute. Place your dice rolls in a while loop. In this tutorial, you'll learn about indefinite iteration using the Python while loop. You could create a thread to print your countdown, have the main thread block on an input call , and signal the thread to stop. 0): while True: eingabe = input ('Please enter a name: ') print (eingabe) if eingabe == '': break so now I would like to store the user input in a list. so need to change the addition expression & add update the sum variable in each iteration with the previous iteration sum + the new entered number in each iteration. The user enters 6 and the body of the loop executes and again asks for input; Here user can input many times until he enters -1 to stop the loop; User can decide how many times he wants to enter input Apr 11, 2022 · Beginner question, I have to create a program that asks user to input numbers (input 0 to break), then calculates the amount of numbers in total and then the sum of the input numbers. Sep 29, 2021 · So; Code goal is to ask user names until user press enter. global flag. If the user enters a number other than 0, it adds the number to the total and asks the user to enter a number again. Here, statement (s) may be a single statement or a block of statements with uniform indent. Oct 7, 2017 · The while loop should loop if the input is not either i or v, or if the input is validated the condition should be satisfied to exit the loop. Inputting an 'N' will still activate the second while loop. if User == '': break # Give the user another chance to exit. The problem is occurring at the while loop I believe. 1) Sadly, still windows-specific. Jun 23, 2018 · 1. Currently I have written code that allows the user to input a list: number=int(input('Please enter an integer: ')) list1. User Input Using a While Loop. I'm trying to get the while/for loop to be processed concurrently, to speed up the counting to the user-supplied input using multiprocessing and I'm not getting it. g. The maximum number of inputs you can get with that code is 3. What you want to do is get rid of the 3 while loops, and change them to if statements within a while loop: from random import*. Mar 14, 2022 · I am creating a program where I have to ask the user the same question, until they type "Stop" My issue is, The user input has to be a float, but still be able to recognize when the user types "stop" so it will stop asking the question . if largest is None or inp > largest: largest = inp. def sum_even(stop): return (stop // 2) * (stop // 2 + 1) print(sum_even(100)) # 2550. Enter a name:Jack. Oct 26, 2018 · In each iteration you are add the number with the sum variable which is initialised as 0. If it is False, then the loop is terminated and control is passed to the next Apr 13, 2014 · 1 Answer. To stop this from being an infinite loop, I first introduce an if statement. and for example, if the target is 23, then it will print out how many times 23 occur in the list. append(S) S = input() print(L) In addition, The if condition in your code is useless since It's already set in the while loop declaration. While Loops, Udacity Data Science, Python. – Tim Roberts. Here is my program: count =0 total=0 ask=input ("Do you want to enter a number? Nov 13, 2020 · Now the while loop condition i < 8 evaluates to False and the loop stops immediately. – leaf_yakitori. Jack, Dack, Nack. 5 you can use the following code. The number choosen Within range would still return Dec 17, 2014 · I want to add a while loop that brings the user back to the start evertime they input something that isn't a number. You created an endless while loop for positive numbers. match() method. sleep(1) You may be thinking of enumerate which does this for for loops, but I don't know of any Jun 29, 2020 · This is my try to write a program that repeatedly prompts a user for integer numbers until the user enters done. ” Print the results. I want to keep requesting user input until the user inputs the number 0, here is the code I have so far: import . If you eval the string "stop", you will get that error, because stop is not something that can be evaluated. getwche() == '\r': break. A while loop tests an initial condition. Print i as long as i is less than 6: i = 1. The while loop requires relevant variables to be ready, in this example we need to define an indexing variable, i, which we set to 1. Enter a name:Nack. Moreover, be careful, 'cause you're calling two times per cycle (when input "REpeat" ) the print() function and assigning its return value to tell_joke and, after that, you're calling again the print() function to print the tell_joke variable User = raw_input('Enter <Carriage return> only to exit: ') while True: #Run my program print 'In the loop, User=%r' % (User, ) # Check if the user asked to terminate the loop. When it reaches the end of the count, the user is asked "Would you like to start over? Enter Y to start over or N to exit:" The full assignment is here - The first prompt should be "Enter the starting number: " Mar 28, 2020 · How to allow a user to input a list of lists in Python with a while loop. I know the problem is in my if userScore >= 90" print ('A'). 98. Oct 23, 2017 · My code below is asking the user for a number and depending on the answer provided will print the grade that corresponds with the numbers. isdigit(): i = raw_input("Enter a number: ") Jul 19, 2022 · i = 0 # this creates an infinite loop while True: print(i) i = i + 1. After the input, count will be 2. a=randrange(1,51) b = 0. how could I accomplish this use python? Thanks:) – Sep 5, 2014 · I'm trying to make a 'guess the number between 1-10' game but the while loops seems to keep running. Print the values of squared and cubed. Dec 27, 2023 · Python while loop with user input. return. Feb 15, 2019 · Use for/while loop to take user input to calculate the total which display as below: Welcome to the receipt program: Enter the value for the seat ['q' to quit]: 12. Also you should avoid using eval to evaluate user input, because it is not safe. anyNumber = int(raw_input("Enter any number: ")) while anyNumber > num: anyNumber = int(raw_input("Enter another number: ")) counter += anyNumber. Dec 19, 2019 · int_num and get user input string of only digits; long_num and initialize it as an empty string; Create a while loop that runs as long as the input is all digits Inside the while loop. incorrect_guesses = 0 # variable to store incorrect guesses. This is a program which counts the no. my code (I am using python 3. Infinite while Loop Feb 20, 2023 · Using a for loop to take user input in Python; While loop with user Input in Python # Using a for loop to take user input in Python. 0. I am unsure on how to count the number of inputs and if anyone can give me a good starting point, that would be great! Feb 8, 2024 · For example, you might use a while loop to repeatedly prompt the user for input until they enter a valid number within a specified range. Mar 31, 2019 · I'm a Python beginner and tried to use try and except for the first time. I've looked on this website, but I couldn't understand the answers for questions similar to mine. Apr 25, 2014 · prompting the user for input with get_input until the input is ok. Once they provide valid input and the conversion is successful, we can use the Python break statement to exit the loop. The built-in input function is used here for general console input, it prints its optional argument string as a prompt, and returns the response entered by the user as a string. This is simply a guess a number 1-100 game. append(number) p=p+1. org. Create another temporary variable named cubed that cubes the number. To use a for loop to take user input: Declare a new variable and initialize it to an empty list. The loop will stop its execution once the condition becomes not satisfied. guesses = 0 #Initialize a variable to store how many guesses the user has used. format(count) count += 1. Second, your test if number < 0 is superfluous. It's seems like my program cannot escape from the second while loop, and "except" is still wrong. Explore Teams Create a free Team Dec 20, 2021 · Please input a number:+1234 The input number is: 1234. Im having difficulty doing this. As soon as the condition becomes false, the loop stops executing. input any number to get your normal multiple table (Nomenclature) in 10 iterate times. This time, print "Python is my favorite too!" 5 times using a while loop. In general, exceptions are not ideal for your situation anyway—a simple while loop should be sufficient. Example-1: How to repeat python while loop a certain number of times. Sep 13, 2019 · I'm creating an infinite while loop that counts up or down between two user inputted numbers. It would not account for a user entering a non-number the very first time. 50. Processing Data: While loops can be used to iterate over data structures like lists, arrays, or collections, processing each element until a specific condition is met. Mar 8, 2013 · According to Python documentation, you should use raw_input(): Consider using the raw_input() function for general input from users. Example Get your own Python Server. Steps: Initialize the stepper variable x to 0. prompt="Enter a value: ", validator=lambda x: True, error_message="Invalid input. It can be adjusted for a specific keystroke. I'm using a while loop for this assignment. Your loop runs only as long as number is Aug 20, 2021 · Let’s create a small program that executes a while loop. The syntax of the while loop in the simplest case looks like this: while some condition: a block of statements. What bothers me, is the fact that with my program I rely on the user to insert 10 numbers. Example-3: Using python while loop with a flag. May 28, 2014 · I am creating a program where I am asking the user to input numbers using a loop (not function). If the user enters anything other than a valid number catch it with a try/except and put out an appropriate Aug 5, 2017 · So basically, i have a list: lst = [23,23,25,26,23] and the program will first prompt the user to choose a number from the list. Then the program will generate the largest number, smallest number, sum of the list and average number. while i < 6: print(i) i += 1. Enter a name: Name count 3. statement ( s) The while keyword is followed by a boolean expression, and then by colon symbol, to start an indented block of statements. Exceptions should be reserved for exceptional situations, and bad user input is not exceptional, it's expected. try ctrl+c to stop it. In this article, we will explore how to use for and while loops for user input in Python. When it comes to user input, these loops can be used to prompt the user for input and process the input based on certain conditions. This series being similar to the sum of positive integers, it has one so there is no reason to iterate over even numbers. 00 Finished. You should add get an another input from inside the loop like so: S=input() L=[] while S!=4: L. 2. 21. Here's what I've tried and it resulted in Feb 23, 2022 · For while loop you have to set an end condition, which is when this end condition occurs, the while loop will exit. This will become more clear when we introduce lists. Oct 29, 2015 · python; while-loop; user-input; Share. The condition may be any expression, and true is Jul 5, 2018 · If it is the case, you can explain why wsing while loop could be, for example, inefficient. if the user enters -1 then the loop will not execute, i. 1. On each iteration, append the input value to the list. Inside the loop, the user’s input is stored in the user_input variable. dcount=dcount+1. In this program, we’ll ask for the user to input a password. Dec 5, 2014 · 2. User = raw_input('Enter <Carriage return> only to exit: ') Note that the code in the original question has Aug 31, 2017 · You're not changing the value of S after you enter the loop. It can be kept as simple as (Python 3. hn ok yz lp km mp eb pd bm ub